
Energy Business Partner

Tag: epf

  • Welltest

  • Slickline

    Slicklines Used to place and recover wellbore equipment, such as plugs, gauges and valves, slicklines are single-strand non-electric cables lowered into oil and gas wells from the surface. Slicklines can also be used to adjust valves and sleeves located downhole, as well as repair tubing within the wellbore. Wrapped around a drum on the back…

  • EPF

    Early production facilities (EPFs) are process facilities that enable you to put wells into production faster and recognize cash flow as quickly as possible while continuing to obtain flow data. Benvors offers full engineering design, build, and installation of these facilities along with the capability to operate and maintain them, allowing you to achieve production…

  • Downhole survey

    PT. Benvors Sarana Utama is one of marketing representative for GRC in Indonesia. In 1925, Amerada® Petroleum Corporation created Geophysical Research Corporation (today Sercel-GRC) to investigate the possibility of applying geophysical methods to oil exploration. Over 130,000 gauges later Sercel-GRC Corp continues to build “Data Acquisition Instruments for Every Well Applications” in order to continuously…

  • Data Aquisition

    Benvors Well Testing Data AcquisitionThe DAS Benvors is a user-friendly data acquisition system that reads data from electronic sensors and displays the data on an 9” TFT touch screen, which acts as both an input and an output device. The system records the data on solid state SD memory card and allows remote monitoring of…

  • Surface well testing

    We offer Solutions for : Equipment and Resources

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